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Tools and Supplies to use natural remedies to get rid of bald faced hornets
1 Hornet spray
2 Protective clothing (bee suit, gloves, hat, etc.)
3 Flashlight
4 Ladder
5 Dust applicator
6 Insecticide dust
7 Extension pole
8 Vacuum cleaner
9 Insect traps
10 Hornet trap

How to use natural remedies to get rid of bald faced hornets

Say Goodbye to Bald Faced Hornets: Natural Remedies That Work

Bald-faced hornets can be a nuisance, especially when they build their nests near your home. These hornets have a painful sting and can be aggressive when their nest is disturbed. While there are many chemical sprays available to get rid of them, natural remedies are a safer and more eco-friendly option. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of using natural remedies to get rid of bald-faced hornets.

Step 1: Identify the Nest

The first step in getting rid of bald-faced hornets is to locate their nest. Bald-faced hornets build their nests in trees, shrubs, and on the sides of buildings. The nest is made of paper-like material and has a distinctive teardrop shape. Once you have identified the nest, mark its location so that you can find it easily.

Step 2: Wait for the Right Time

The best time to get rid of bald-faced hornets is at night when they are less active. They are also less likely to sting you at night because they are less aggressive. Wait until after dark to begin the process.

Step 3: Prepare Your Natural Remedy

There are several natural remedies that you can use to get rid of bald-faced hornets. One of the most effective is a mixture of dish soap and water. Mix one tablespoon of dish soap with one quart of water in a spray bottle. Another option is to use peppermint oil. Mix 10 drops of peppermint oil with one quart of water in a spray bottle.

Step 4: Approach the Nest

Approach the nest slowly and carefully. Make sure you are wearing protective clothing, including long sleeves, pants, and gloves. Hold the spray bottle at arm's length and spray the nest with the natural remedy. Make sure you cover the entire nest.

Step 5: Wait and Observe

After you have sprayed the nest, wait for a few minutes and observe the hornets' behavior. If they are still active, you may need to spray the nest again. If the hornets are no longer active, wait until the next day to remove the nest.

Step 6: Remove the Nest

Once the hornets are no longer active, it is safe to remove the nest. Use a long stick or broom to knock the nest down. Make sure you are wearing protective clothing and stand at a safe distance from the nest. Dispose of the nest in a sealed plastic bag and throw it away.

In conclusion, getting rid of bald-faced hornets can be done safely and effectively using natural remedies. By following these steps, you can eliminate the hornets from your property without harming the environment. Remember to always wear protective clothing and approach the nest slowly and carefully.

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