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How to identify bald faced hornets

Bald Faced Hornets: Tips for Easy Identification

Bald-faced hornets, also known as white-faced hornets, are a species of social wasp that are commonly found in North America. These hornets can be easily identified by their black and white coloring, and their distinctive behavior. In this article, we will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to identify bald-faced hornets.

Step 1: Look for their distinctive coloring
Bald-faced hornets are easily identified by their black and white coloring. Their heads and thoraxes are black, while their abdomens are white. Their wings are also a translucent brown color. This coloring is quite distinctive and can help you identify them from other species of wasps.

Step 2: Observe their size and shape
Bald-faced hornets are typically larger than other species of wasps, measuring between 0.5 and 0.75 inches in length. They have a slender, elongated body shape, with a narrow waist that connects their thorax and abdomen. Their wings are also longer and narrower than those of other wasp species.

Step 3: Watch their behavior
Bald-faced hornets are highly aggressive and territorial. They will defend their nests vigorously, often stinging repeatedly if they feel threatened. They are also known to attack in large swarms if their nest is disturbed. If you see a group of wasps behaving aggressively, it is likely that they are bald-faced hornets.

Step 4: Look for their nests
Bald-faced hornets build large, papery nests that are typically shaped like a teardrop or football. These nests are usually found in trees or shrubs, but can also be found attached to buildings, poles, or other structures. The nests are usually gray or brown in color and can be as large as two feet in length.

Step 5: Listen for their buzzing
Bald-faced hornets make a distinctive buzzing sound when they fly. This buzzing is louder and more high-pitched than the buzzing of other wasp species. If you hear a loud buzzing sound, it is likely that there are bald-faced hornets nearby.

In conclusion, identifying bald-faced hornets is relatively easy once you know what to look for. By observing their distinctive coloring, size and shape, behavior, nests, and buzzing, you can quickly and accurately identify these aggressive and potentially dangerous insects. Remember to exercise caution when dealing with bald-faced hornets, and always seek professional help if you need to remove a nest.

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