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How to keep bald faced hornets away from your outdoor gatherings

Keep Bald Faced Hornets at Bay During Outdoor Gatherings with These Simple Tips

Bald faced hornets can be a nuisance when you are trying to enjoy your outdoor gatherings. Their stings can be painful and even dangerous for those who are allergic. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to keep these pests away from your outdoor gatherings.

Step 1: Keep Food and Drinks Covered

Bald faced hornets are attracted to sweet smells, so it's important to keep food and drinks covered. Use lids or plastic wrap to cover plates, cups, and bowls. Keep trash cans covered and away from the gathering area. This will help to reduce the number of hornets that are attracted to your outdoor gathering.

Step 2: Use Insect Repellent

Insect repellent can be an effective way to keep bald faced hornets away from your outdoor gathering. Look for a repellent that is specifically designed for hornets and wasps. Apply the repellent to your skin and clothing before the gathering begins. This will help to deter the hornets from coming near you.

Step 3: Keep the Area Clean

Bald faced hornets are attracted to garbage and food scraps. Make sure to clean up any spills or food scraps immediately. Use a broom or vacuum to clean up any crumbs or debris on the ground. This will help to reduce the number of hornets that are attracted to your outdoor gathering.

Step 4: Use a Hornet Trap

Hornet traps can be an effective way to keep bald faced hornets away from your outdoor gathering. Look for a trap that is specifically designed for hornets and wasps. Hang the trap away from the gathering area, but close enough to attract the hornets. The trap will lure the hornets in and trap them, keeping them away from your outdoor gathering.

Step 5: Hire a Professional

If you are dealing with a large number of bald faced hornets, it may be best to hire a professional. A pest control professional can safely and effectively remove the hornets from your property. They can also provide tips and advice on how to prevent future infestations.

By following these steps, you can keep bald faced hornets away from your outdoor gatherings. Remember to stay vigilant and take action if you notice any hornets in the area. With a little effort, you can enjoy your outdoor gatherings without the hassle of bald faced hornets.

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